Our Philosophy is to Protect our Native Land
Author: Maria Ivanova Have you ever heard about the Russian hand-to-hand combat worked out by Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov? This is not so much sport as an applied system. There are no
Author: Maria Ivanova Have you ever heard about the Russian hand-to-hand combat worked out by Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov? This is not so much sport as an applied system. There are no
Part II As I’ve mentioned above the core of the Russian hand-to-hand combat as a part of the Systema is a doctrine of control – you should control the situation and
Part I Last years there were more and more talks and disputes about the Russian martial art. Some people praise its almost mythical effectiveness, others state that the Russians never had
Part II - You should admit that the tide of interest of the young people in different types of martial arts doesn’t decline. It’s quite the contrary. I often meet people
Part I We are representing to the attention of our readers the conversation of our reporter Viltoria Sokolova with Aleksandr Ivanovich Retunskih, the instructor and teacher in Moscow “School of Survival”.
Part II Author: Aleksandr Paljanin Let’s consider a bayonet combat. - You hit with a bayonet too high, - proceeded Goliczin. – It looks like you aim at the head. Why? You should
Part I Author: Aleksandr Paljanin The prince started unexpectedly by asking: «Can you stand at attention?» The question was addressed to Major General Viktor Ostapovich Olefir - the chief of the Goliczin's
We publish a small fragment from book «The Lessons of Courage» written by Viktor Nokolaevich Leonov - twice the Hero of the Soviet Union and a vivid representative of the
- Hello, Could you introduce yourself? - My name is Igor Malhasjan. - Tell me, Igor, for how long are you engaged in the Kadochnikov Systema? - I started to work with this
- Hello, Could you introduce yourself? - I'm Suburussikiy Viktor Konstantinovich. I’m from Yakutsk. – Tell us, Viktor, for how long have you been studying the Kadiochnikov Systema? – I know the System
- For how long do know about the Kadochnikov Systema? - I came across the Kadochnikov Systema in 1991. To be precise I came across the system of the Russian hand-to-hand
Kadochnikov Systema official representative on Taiwan Chun Ta Huang sent us his video about KS training
Author: Aleksandr Volkov “Everything should be done properly”. This phrase is the motto of Viktor Nikolaevich Leonov. It doesn’t matter what he took up including studying and teaching the Russian martial
Author: Aleksandr Travnikov Fighting knives were traditionally designed as special-purpose weapons, intended primarily if not solely for use in personal or military hand-to-hand combat. The Russian combat knife should be definitely referred
Author: Aleksandr Travnikov A combat knife is a fighting knife designed for military use and primarily intended for Russian hand-to-hand combat or close combat fighting. The concept and traditions of the Russian
- Aleksey Alekseyevich, we get a lot of letters to out website with questions about the seminar in Anapa. One of the most frequently asked is why such a long
Intensification of the legal factor makes a person depend upon the extent and quality of the legal control and the ways legal agencies work. Low level of the legal control that
Author: V. Marjin. The main aim of the Kadochnikov Systema is to create a person who is capable to survive in a difficult situation. It teaches not to kill or attack