Methods to Become Fearless in the Process of Military and Patriotic Upbringing of the Defenders

Author: V. Marjin.

The main aim of the Kadochnikov Systema is to create a person who is capable to survive in a difficult situation. It teaches not to kill or attack but to defend oneself and keep safe. The Kadochnikov Systema has been created for special mission units. Although the author made his theoretical course in a way it to be easy for studying by ordinary people.

In his system Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov pays great attention to general and moral education. During the course disciples gain knowledge of physics, mathematics, biomechanics, psychology that is vital for self-defence and fighting in different conditions: by day or by night, if the sun burns, if it is cold, if there is a gale, on a quicksand or in a small room. To attain such results a person should first of all conquer his fear and panic.

The main way to prevent fear and panic is forming high strong-willed qualities in a person. At the moment of danger these qualities become the neuropsychic dominant that can suppress both the center of fear that works like a spring and conditioned reflex activity that makes the physiological basis of the fear.

The merits of the defender of the Fatherland including his fearlessness and courage are the product of the society. The readiness to be brave in a dangerous situation or on the contrary inability to oppose in the face of danger is forming in a person during all his life. In terms of their experience people work out the morality of their own. They may either strongly believe in the necessity to fight, and have courage to overcome difficulties or may decide to avoid them, hide from them and give in to difficulties.

The social and historical conditions help in forming the right attitude to dangerous situations that jeopardize a person’s life, the lives of his friends or the native land. In school, in the family at work a person is taught to despite cowardice and to tend to perform an exploit, be fearless on his way to the ultimate aim.

The social and historical conditions of the surrounding world are extremely favorable for forming in a person fearlessness, courage, boldness. His honor, reputation and rights are protected by the Constitution. That makes a person self-confident, confident in his or her future and form fearlessness as a main trait of one’s character. When a person takes part in creating a new society that makes him courageous and capable to overcome difficulties in the name of the great aim. But under the influence of the negative circumstances (negative impact of the family, streets, etc.) a person may become selfish, contemptuous towards people, have no respect for old people. Such person won’t stand a difficult situation; he will shrink in the face of danger.

This particular high offensive impulse can help to overcome obstacles on one’s way to the aim. In an atmosphere of enthusiasm and high offensive state a man tends to selfless deeds. The highly developed feeling of love towards the native land and hatred for its enemies, the sense of collectivism help to forget about personal danger and focus on fulfilling the given task.

Upbringing a fearless person includes forming a human character and right attitude to the environment to his friends and himself.

The significant part in upbringing a fearless person plays the increase of strength, dynamic and agility of his nervous system, the increase of his mental and cognitive processes (especially perception, attention, imagination and thinking).

The upbringing of a fearless person stands close to forming feelings and will of a man, making out solid knowledge, skills and habits. A fearless person is first of all an expert at his job.

This man should be confident in the might of our army. The belief in the native land’s and its military forces’ power helps to conquer fear and panic. Solidarity of the group of people is also one of the factors of upbringing a fearless person. If the person is fearless it doesn’t exclude the display of fear or panic completely. For instance it is possible to show the consequences of treason and betrayal by means of affecting feelings, mind and will.

When a person knows his ropes, and can come out of any the most difficult and dangerous situation with credit and others moral, ethic and business qualities make the basis for respect and trust of people under the command. In contemporary conditions the meaning of the authority and its influence has increased. In order to bring up the right attitude to the senior every chief should respect the authority of his employees and trust them.

When a person can trust his friends and the group of activists it helps to withstand fear and panic. In modern world when the impact of nuclear and other weapons has great influence on the human psychic it is especially important for a man to keep the independence and objectivity of thinking.

The ideological fortitude in contemporary conditions should be particularly high; the ability to overcome fear and panic is closely connected with knowing about insidious habits and tricks of probable opponents.

Moral and psychological readiness to resist the fear and panic is brought up by the system of social and political and cultural events. It is necessary to mention here about significant role of solving certain psychological tasks that help to conquer fear. Thinking itself has two inseparable sides. Unfortunately only one of them is often mentioned it is the procedural thinking. People consider only main intellectual processes. The personality side of thinking is considered quite seldom. And this is wrong thing to do. Both sides form an integral system of inner matters that define thinking in its specific character. In this relation we are interested in forming thinking less then in forming an intelligent person. The meaning of the process of thinking in a dangerous situation increases together with the role of assumptions in the man’s actions. These assumptions express individual features of a man, his ideological confidence, character, emotional and volitional characteristics.

Thus we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to form a person as an integral system and pay great attention to his ideological qualities. The right way of thinking of a warrior in a difficult situation is determined by his self-confidence. When he looses confidence the independence of thinking goes down and he becomes easy to suggest and excited or on the contrary he may grow slow and apathetic.

It is very important that in the fist place the Kadochnikov Sytema teaches fighters how to think. Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov shares skills not to be taken aback and use one’s strength, place and safety facilities more efficiently. The course helps to create phycobiomachanical models for making a decision in great variety of possible situations.

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