The Structure of the Military Hand-to-Hand Combat

Hand-to-hand combat is the oldest form of fighting we know. Various nations have their own histories connected with close combat, and their own ways of training. There are many varieties within the martial arts, including boxing and wrestling. Other variations include the gladiator spectacles of ancient Rome and medieval tournament events such as jousting.

Military hand-to-hand combat is some sort of unarmed fighting, a supplement to armed combat. Soldiers in China were trained in unarmed combat since ancient times.

All the means of the military hand-to-hand combat can be structurally divided into basic elements and operations. It is done to have more clear idea about the notional and the motional components of the actions in the process of the military hand-to-hand combat.

The basic elements are special positions and movements that have peculiar typical motional structure and taken from out of the tactical situation. Basic elements are the foundation of the military hand-to-hand combat technique. The basic elements of the military hand-to-hand combat include the base stands and movements, blows with hands, legs, elbows, knees, with various types of weapons and other objects at hand, different variants of disarming an opponent, main ways to overbalance him and release from the holds.

Basic elements differ in spatial, temporary, force, inertial and rhythmic characteristics. The certain combinations of the basic elements create interrelated notional components.

Combat actions are motional components used for solving tactical tasks directly in the Russian hand-to-hand combat. Tactical tasks are activity directed at training and applying the means of the military hand-to-hand combat.

The tactical tasks that express the relation between the intentions of the fighters and their motional activity include: combat purpose of the means (phases that the process of the Russian hand-to-hand combat include), peculiarities of their use on different stages of the hand-to-hand combat (disarming, overbalancing, etc.).

The tactical tasks that express the range of the variants of actions determine the ways of applying the means of the military hand-to hand combat — elementary, combined, with feints, with an attack and retreat.

The tactical model of the Russian hand-to-hand combat is determined by the tasks of covering the space of the area, taking the initiative of the combat actions, keeping the advantage you’ve gained, restraining the activity of the opponent and some others.

The Russian hand-to-hand combat is a physical confrontation between two or more persons at very short range that does not involve the use of firearms or other distance weapons. It may be lethal or nonlethal. Though the notion “hand-to-hand” should refer to unarmed combat, the term may include use of striking weapons used at close distance such as knives, sticks, batons, or objects at hand for instance entrenching tools. The Russian hand-to-hand combat was originally connected with military personnel on the battlefield. Nowadays it can also refer to any physical engagement by two or more people, including police officers and civilians.

Combat within close distance is usually referred to as close combat. It may include lethal and nonlethal weapons and methods. The methods depend upon the restrictions imposed by civilian law, military rules, or personal ethical codes.

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