Alexey Alexeevich Kadochnikov Answers the Questions of the Readers about the Seminar in Anapa (2011)

Aleksey Alekseyevich, we get a lot of letters to out website with questions about the seminar in Anapa. One of the most frequently asked is why such a long seminar on the Kadochnikov Systema that lasts for 7 days you run only once a year and always in Anapa?

First, despite the fact that I’m 76 years old I’m still serving in the Army. It is difficult for me to make a week for this event even once a year. We organize this seminar for all comers not only for the military personnel – in Anapa come people of different age, professions, physical abilities and level of knowledge. There are great number of beginners who only start their work in the system of private safeguarding technique and the Russian hand-to-hand combat. We can say they get the material at first hand.

Second, we give here a lot of information, most part of which we don’t give on other workshops. This is rather difficult not only for the participants but also for me and Arkadiy Alekseyevich. Imagine that during a week people get the information scope which was gathered and polished not for years but for decades. Meanwhile we not only practice. We combine it with theoretical and methodological material meaning schemes, posters, tables, diagrams, explaining separate difficult moments. Besides we should have enough time in the process of teaching to make corrections of motional skills to prevent forming wrong motional stereotypes and etc.

– Does the Kadochnikov Systema have any age limits?

The Kadochnikov System is meant for adults but some come with kids. We don’t object teenagers over 13-14 years old training together with their parents. Of course they can’t cover the whole lot of the material but some parts will be very useful for them. Concerning upper limits, you can practice even if you are 60-70 years old. The main condition is that you will take load in accordance with your physical abilities and state of health. If you are tired – sit down and have a rest.

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    1 Response to "Alexey Alexeevich Kadochnikov Answers the Questions of the Readers about the Seminar in Anapa (2011)"

    • Daniel

      Aleksey Alekseyevich and everybody else that make this web site available for the whole public. I thank you to share your knowledge with the people and I hope one day I could take some classes with you and your crew. Regards from Mexico and please keep uploading videos.

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