The Seminar Devoted to Defender of the Fatherland Day

On February 19-20th in Moscow will take place the first in this year workshop of the Kadochnikov Systema devoted to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The one of the organizers of the workshop Arkadiy Alexeyevich Kadochnikov shared its agenda with our reporter in an exclusive interview.

–         Arkadiy Alexeyevich, why will the first seminar of the Kadochnikov System take place in Moscow this year?

–         Moscow is the capital of our native land and I find it logical to organize the workshop devoted to Defender of the Fatherland Day in this city. Besides people who attend our seminars come from every corner of the country. If we hold a workshop in Moscow we save time and money of many participants. In addition more and more people from other countries all over the world have been joining the Kadochnikov Systema recently. For them it is not only opportunity to obtain new skills and knowledge but chance to see the sights of Moscow.

–         The usual seminar of the Kadochnikov System lasts for three days. But this is the second workshop in Moscow that lasts only for two days. What is the reason for that?

–         The purpose of each our seminar is to teach a person to do the elements from the Kadochnikov Systema (not perfectly of course) and to control his or her own body. The tree-day seminar presupposes studying an extended theoretical course combined with practice. When organizing the two-day seminars we get the same results with the difference that we hand out the theoretical material in the form of academic textbooks for each participant to learn the material on their own. This variant proved itself as quite effective because people can resort to the information he got at the seminar again and again. Many of our disciples can’t afford to attend the seminars of the Kadochnikov Systema on weekdays. The two-day course during the weekend is great opportunity for them. It is possible that the two-day course will become the main format of the Kadochnikov Systema.

–         The main topic of the last year seminar was the work with a knife and other types of cold arms. Are you going to bring forward some subject this time?

–         During each of our seminars we try to touch upon all the issues. We may dwell upon some points more than on the others. We call the course a Systema as it should be regarded only as an integral phenomenon. Basing on the public’s level of attainment we can pay more attention to certain blocks of the material. We will keep this tendency on the forthcoming seminar. This time we are going to devote the seminar to soft spots, painful points and the ways to affect them. We discuss this topic in details quite rarely. I suggest to those people who take great interest in the subject joining the seminar.

–         What is needed to be done to take part in the seminar of the Kadochnikov Systema?

–         To a certain extent we share our knowledge and skills with all persons interested. There are no restrictions for participating in the seminars. The only condition is your desire to get to know the Kadochnikov Systema. We don’t train because this is not a sport. We teach people to work in any conditions and state of health. You must have heard that the main postulate of the Kadochnikov Systema is applying only 25% of one’s force. During our seminars a man performs the elements in accordance with his abilities and sensations. Sometimes he has to work with his brains even more than with his muscles. We also have no gender restrictions. Women can participate in our seminars along with men. The only thing I advise people not to bring kids under 12 years old. There are special programs worked out for this age group. But still it doesn’t mean we don’t allow children to come. We only warn you that such work have low efficiency.

–         Can a man who has never gone in for martial arts let alone the Kadochnikov Systema take part in the seminar?

–         Sure he or she can. You may be surprised if I tell you that freshmen come every time we organize a workshop. This is one more peculiarity of the Kadochnikov Systema: you can start learning it at any age in any state of health. Of course you have to consult your doctor if you have some serious disease. There are no other contraindications. People start studying the Kadochnikov Systema not to establish records but to get to know the martial art for self defense and obtain certain skills everybody needs.

–         Thank you for the interview, Arkadiy Alexeyevich.

–         Thank you. See you at the seminar in Moscow.

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