The Kadochnikov Systema: the Person of the Safe Type

The recent events in our country brought deep changes in all spheres of life. The increased number of catastrophes, dangerous situations in social life, low level qualifications of the specialists, lack of knowledge how to behave in every day life, in dangerous and emergency situations affect the state of health and the state of life. Especially that concerns young people because very few today has notion of a martial art for self defense.

According to the concept of the national safety in our country the national interests of Russia in the social sphere consist in ensuring the high standard of human life. The national interests in the spiritual sphere consist in strengthening the moral values of the society, its traditions of the patriotism and humanism.

Only a law-abiding man who is part of a free and just society can require legal safeguards and a state protection for himself. No doubts the ensuring of rights and freedoms of a man is crucial for the development of the economical, social and political life in Russia.

Establishing law and order is closely connected with elimination of sources of the terrorism in our country. During the last years we advanced in our war on terror. But there shouldn’t be self-delusions. We must admit that the situation is still serious and we take very painful hits. Criminals keep committing atrocities to intimidate the society. We need to nerve ourselves for further liquidation of the terrorism. If we show weakness and feebleness there will be more losses and it may turn into the nation-wide catastrophe.

In this situation increases the role and responsibility of education for teaching the students how to be a person of the safe type, for upbringing a person with a healthy life-style, forming the system of safe behavior, cultivating the skills of preventing emergency situations.

The private safeguarding technique as a part of national safety in Russia

The right of defence as a separate institution actually has no fixed limits. Stratification of the society into the well-off and the poor, capable to defend oneself and those who can not, natural persons and officials who can waive other people’s rights to reach their selfish ends defined the ways, means and methods for protection man’s rights and freedoms.

All the relationships are regulated by the laws and bylaws or by the traditions and customs where the authorities of the sides are stated. The notion «order» implies certain lines and limits of behavior, forms and ways to implement people’s rights and responsibilities.

Today not everybody come across real danger to his life or health. If it happens people unreasonably think that it is better to protect oneself with such equipments as a gas gun or a pepper gas spray. But very few people think of self-defence without any arms using only the ability to control your body. This is a martial art for self defense.

The private safeguarding technique is the basis of the Kadochnikov Systema. It implies diminishing of the traumatism through the decomposition of the negative forces into their components.

Consequently, to form the person of the safe type we need to change people’s world-view and give detailed explanation of the process of the survival as a part of the private safeguarding technique that reflects the state of science and technology.
The person of the safe type is a psycobiomechanical complex of a man’s physical, psychological and social qualities.

In the process of studying the private security the person of the safe type gets skills to solve various situational problems in extreme cases.

It doesn’t matter weather the country is developed or not. The factor of aggressiveness is still inside it. A man remains the most dangerous enemy of the other man.

Very often when happen domestic incidents there are situations when you can’t injure the enemy but you have to neutralize him. In this case you can’t do without Russian martial arts according to the Kadochnokov Systema.

Modern Russian hand to hand combat as the private safeguarding technique is based on the solid scientific foundation that includes the range of sciences – from physics and mathematics to psychology and jurisprudence. It means that together with intellectual and physical training it is necessary for the person of the safe type to have theoretical knowledge.

The person of the safe type should by definition be able to use physical strength and everything at hand to protect oneself or some third persons in the face of danger.

Therefore besides having skills of the Russian hand to hand combat according to the Kadochnikov Systema the person of the safe type should know the applicable legislation that regulates this problem.

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