This video will help you to learn such notions as “moment of inertia” and “angular velocity”. Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov relates how to use these phenomena in hand-to-hand fighting.

This video will help you to learn such notions as “moment of inertia” and “angular velocity”. Aleksey Alekseyevich Kadochnikov relates how to use these phenomena in hand-to-hand fighting.
2 replies to "The Kadochnikov Systema: How to Use the Moment of Inertia and Angular Velocity in Hand-to-Hand Fighting"
Are there any scientifically created martial arts?…
Soviet Union gave birth to a martial art called Sambo, which branched out in two different directions. The two founding fathers of Sambo were Vasili Oshchepkov and Nikolai Spiridonov. Oschepkov and his student Anatoly Kharlampiev developed a sport vers…
have been working with the principals taught to me by the system ground up, and this is very effective stuff!!! Works well, easy to learn and retain, perfect! I am a Serak instructor and the similarities in the systems is very evident. Like Kadochnikov systema, Serak is a combat art, no sport form. Efficiency and fast finish, as well as use of levers and angles are the hall mark of both. This dovetails nicely with Serak, and is even esasier to grasp and to practice. Thank you for the information, it is a beautiful art to learn.