The Strategy of the Close Combat

Author – A.A. Kadochnikov

Fighting today especially in ditches, communication trenches and close to the opponent requires too much effort to waste it before the battle. You have to save energy by all means for instance keeping you pulse at the rate of 140 blows per minute.

A bayonet, a buttstock and a barrel are the main parts of the fighter’s weapon. The battle training wouldn’t be complete if a man lacks or not good enough at the bayonet or hand-to-hand fighting.

Considering this it is important that:

1.    A fighter should be focused on the bayonet and the opponent’s actions (on the impact point). Nothing should distract him;
2.    His motions should be firm, strong and reasonable;
3.    The tension and fervour should not slacken (1.5 – 3 minutes);
4.    The victory should be evident;
5.    The work done at the practices should be seen in every movement, every turn;
6.    The blows should be delivered from the level of heart;
7.    The hits should be accurate and done with force. The shooting at large targets and aimless bayonet thrusts are forbidden. To thrust with maximum force the fighter should move the bayonet forth at the right angle to the plane of the aim. Don’t forget about defence (fencing).

It is unacceptable to use sticks instead of arms while training.

One of the most efficient methods to learn the materialwhen working to very tight schedule is overcoming a “close combat obstacle course”. It includes range of constructions like those used in the trench defences, enriched by antipersonnel obstacles.

It is not an end in itself to overcome the “obstacle course”. The main thing while practicing is to acquire the basis of combat performance in entrenchments and communication trenches.

While training troopers form an automatic performance in handling grenades and cold arms (bayonet, digging tools, knife etc.). They work out skills to open fire quickly if they suddenly ran into the enemy. In whole they promptly react in every unexpected situation the close combat is known for.

Pay great attention to the problem of connections and control during the fight. You can move on to overcoming the whole “obstacle course” only after you we’ve learnt all the peculiarities of fighting in ditches and communication trenches using various weapons and studying the strategy of fighting on separate sections of the “close combat course”. Thus the training of a serviceman for the combat in the ditches and communication trenches should include two consecutive stages. During the first one a man learns how to overcome obstacles and sorts peculiarities of the fight in the ditches and communication trenches out. The second stage includes overcoming the whole “close combat course” and fighting in the ditches and communication trenches. The timetable of these two stages depends upon the time given for the training and the level of men’s attainment.

The disciple should be trained in the groups of 3, 4 or 6 people. It is preferable to learn holds of the hand-to-and combat in an actual surrounding, straight in the ditch or in the communication trench. They should train the elements that are the most suitable in a given situation. First they should work with the parts of the element and then with the whole thing. As a result they should get over the whole “close combat course” at one go. At first it may be done at a slow pace. The rate should be increased with every following practice until it reaches its maximum.

It is necessary to sum up at the end of each practice.

It is important to add something new or make changes in the disposition of the obstacles and the activity of the both sides.

In terms of the time and experience following moments should be solved:

•   connections and control;
•   defence (big and small groups);
•   offensive (attack) and retreat;
•   breakthrough a defensive area;
•   fighting;
•   the pursuit tactics;
•   clean-up operation;
•   consolidation.

First. A subdivision works at the military unit. And if there is time left you can work with a platoon, section, soldiers.

Second variant is the transition from the particular to the general. You may start with accurate work with a single soldier gradually extending the process. In the end you join subdivisions and units together.

Each of these variants can be used in a given unit only if its conditions meet the requirements of the method.

If the schedule is tight it’s advisable to start with uniting the subdivision. Having enough time you can polish the work of each separate fighter filling in gaps and drawbacks revealed during the tactical manoeuvres.

Thus by demonstrating and training the instructor works with one element and then moves on to the next one eventually joining them together for better understanding. Be careful not to create stereotypes.

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