"Thousands of People, Who Thought It Was Impossible For Them To Master The Principles of  Self-defense, Now Have Masterful Control of Their Bodies and Not Be At A Loss In Any Dangerous Situation ..."

You Can Also Test This Effective Self-defence Technique In Order To Convince Yourself of its Availability, Simplicity And Incredible Efficiency With The Help of Home Training "Wake The Warrior Within!"


In order to instantly analyse any situation and find the most efficient way for it's solution

with minimum waste of our efforts, it's necessary to have a reliable control center for the motor activity, i.e. our brain.

The particular knowledge of those scientific principles, laws and rules applied to our System of personal safety technique and hand-to-hand fight, help our brain to generate right commands to our body. But...

Knowledge Of Theoretical Basis Alone Is Not Enough

to generate the essential specific motor skills of a fighter.
It's also important to know how this knowledge can be used to solve problems of motor activity as well as how to control human psychobiomechanical system.

The knowledge of methodological basis of Kadochnikov System will help you to answer these questions.

This special course is particularly devoted to theoretical and methodological bases of Kadochnikov System. It will help you to use all your knowledge, abilities, experience and motor skills together in indissoluble unity. Moreover,


The knowledge of theoretical and methodological bases of Kadochnikov System will help you in organizing efficient working conditions of close combat taking into account the most various adverse factors such as:

general fatigue
or even health deterioration;
in conditions of high neuro-psychic tension,
damages to your body and number of other negative factors.

The training material of this course will help you to master the skill of applying your theoretical knowledge in practice

Furthemore, it will teach how to see leverages not only on the board or in the book, but to recognize them in different positions of human body in the process of its interaction with the environment;

it will also demonstrate how scientific principles can help you to control your opponent almost without any application of physical force.

Special Course


Special applied exercises to master the skills of getting free from any holds in different kinematic situations.

During real fight we can face with a huge variety of typical situations with which we have to work.

Since we can not foresee all of their diversity, we need to posess universal motor skills that can be employed in any situation and in any conditions.

The training material of this special course reveals many subtleties and secrets of getting free from any holds without loss of contact point with your opponent for the further control and implementation of necessary type of influence.

Only the knowledge of certain nuances of such work allows you to form effective combat algorithms of your actions.
The knowledge of certain subtleties and tricks will allow you to compensate an important destabilizing factor - lack of time typical for such kind of situations.
Studying of special applied exercises will allow you to develop necessary motor skills for effective work in such situations.

As an integral part of the System of personal safety technique this special course will provide you with the vital knowledge. So, you'll possess more information on this subject than 99% of ordinary people.

Special Course


Special applied exercises to master the skills of fighting one or several opponents on the floor

The overwhelming number of fights in conditions of real combat ends up on the floor.

Even in the case of fighting against just one opponent the probability of fighting on the floor is extremely high.

But often there are such combat situations with several opponents during which it's necessary to fight on the floor.

If you do not prepare your body and psyche for working in such conditions, you have not many chances of being unharmed.

Specially applied exercises for the mastering of specific motor skills in combat conditions against one or more opponents, which are presented in this special course, are absolutely unique and have no counterpart anywhere in the world.

Even the initial mastering of these techniques will dramatically increase your chances of survival in combat conditions against several opponents on the floor.

Special Course


Special applied exercises to master the motor skills of working with any types of cold steel

Working with cold steel presupposes the high level of our motor skills and psychological stability. Once a person without any special training sees the blade, the level of his psychological stress is increased.

Therefore, the value of the methods, primarily based on working only with real weapons starting from the ground up, is extremely high. If you apply this training technique in an appropriate way, you'll be able to avoid any injuries during the training and master the basic principles of working with any types of cold steel.

The training material of this exclusive special course will help you:

to comprehend the ways of formation of combat algorithms during the work with cold steel;
to perceive external factors on the basis of which decisions are made;
to know how to discern your opponent's strategy;
to comprehend how our mind works in the process of immediate analysis of the situation and the most appropriate decisions are made.

Do you know that a person without special training often gets mental block in extraordinary situations, fears or panics and consequently the loss of precious seconds while being unable to make the right decision according to the current situation?

Special Course


In order to instantly analyse any situation and find the most efficient way for it's solution with minimum waste of our efforts,..

it's necessary to have a reliable control center for the motor activity, i.e. our brain.

The particular knowledge of those scientific principles, laws and rules applied to our System of personal safety technique and hand-to-hand fight, help our brain to generate right commands to our body.

But knowledge of theoretical basis alone is not enough to generate the essential specific motor skills of a fighter. It's also important to know how this knowledge can be used to solve problems of motor activity as well as how to control human psychobiomechanical system.

The knowledge of methodological basis of Kadochnikov System will help you to answer these questions.

This special course is particularly devoted to theoretical and methodological bases of Kadochnikov System. It will help you to use all your knowledge, abilities, experience and motor skills together in indissoluble unity.
Moreover, you'll learn to think not only systemically but also volumetrically.

The knowledge of theoretical and methodological bases of Kadochnikov System will help you in organizing efficient working conditions of close combat taking into account the most various adverse factors such as general fatigue or even health deterioration; in conditions of high neuro-psychic tension, damages to your body and number of other negative factors.

The training material of this course will help you to master the skill of applying your theoretical knowledge in practice.

Furthemore it will teach how to see leverages not only on the board or in the book, but to recognize them in different positions of human body in the process of its interaction with the environment; it will also demonstrate how scientific principles can help you to control your opponent almost without any application of physical force.


Alexey Alexeevich Kadochnikov is the founder of the Russian system of personal safety technique and effective self-defense, which has no counterparts in the world.

“The Kadochnikov System”, these two words have for a long time been a symbol of the most effective school of self-defense at the heart of which there is a scientific approach, mathematically precise movements and honored, centuries-long traditions of Russian warrior training. The name of the creator of the System (Alexey Alexeevich Kadochnikov) is connected with the rebirth of the interest in the latter half of the XX century for the Russian martial arts as a system of the warrior upbringing and training.

He has held hundreds of seminars and master-classes in Russia and different countries all over Europe, at which thousands of people have got solid skills of effective self-defense and personal safety technique.

He is the author of mass media educational and methodological materials, books and articles about self-defense problems and professionally-applied training for extreme situations.

Arkadiy Alekseevich Kadochnikov is a professional military man (lieutenant colonel in reserve), a specialist in the sphere of specifically, professionally applied training of special forces personnel, security and military structures.

The chief instructor of the Kadochnikov System headquarters, prepares professionals for the foundation of the Kadochnikov System representations and offices in the Russian regions and countries of Europe and Asia.

Alexey Alexeevich Kadochnikov has been developing the System of personal safety technique and effective self-defense for more than 50 years (since 1962), which has not only revived the glorious military traditions of Russia but also has created the modern scientific framework and ideological basis that doesn’t have deserving counterparts in the world.

The results of his work – thousands of followers most of whom are military men, law enforcement officers, including the employees of the most elite divisions of power structures and departments. Most of them are officers and generals who train the men entrusted to them in the Kadochnikov System. It has saved hundreds of lives and also thousands of people who could keep their health and working capacity due to the received knowledge.


This latest technology platform is so simple that even a child can use it.

Acquiring new skills has become much easier than before. Today lecture halls and fitness centers have been replaced with computers, tablets and smartphones. Here are just a few benefits of our new learning platform:

Lifetime access to all purchased programs.
Possibility of downloading the needed video, audio or text file to any device at any time.
Possibility of asking questions that may arise through the learning process, leave comments and talk to other participants.
Instant access to all updates being released for the individual programs.
Technical and information support.


It includes:

Unlimited access to our customer service managers team in case you have any questions, need help, or just would like to discuss your experience.
Need help in placing an order, accessing the course, or have any other question? Our customer service managers will provide all information and technical support you need. You can always reach us via the following email: info@kadochnikovsystem.com
And, of course, we'll save you the trouble (in case the program doesn't suit you), providing with our more than 100% guarantee.

There're No Traps Here...

The main objective of this set of special courses is to provide the nesessary basis of knowledge and skills that help you to cultivate your inner warrior, ready to protect yourself (physically and mentally) and your people close to you, from impudence, aggression or violence.

We have prepared special training materials - the quintessence of the most important concepts and skills for each of the eight phases of the training. This valuable and extremely useful information (total amount - more than 100 pages) will help you not only to speed up the process of mastering the materials, but also to promote deeper comprehention of the training, to set priorities and control the progress.

Control questions and tasks will help you not to miss the most important aspects and solidify your knowledge.

Your satisfaction is, of course, 100% guaranteed.

Order Form
YES!  I would like to get the special set of courses and learn the secrets of your self-defense and hand-to-hand fighting system.
I would like to get the special set of courses and learn the secrets of your self-defense and hand-to-hand fighting system.
I don`t risk anything because I have your 100% guarantee.

Just for... $147 $47

Kadochnikov System
Russia, 350033 Krasnodar, Karasunskaya 180
E-mail: info@kadochnikovsystem.com
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